As a system sans sanity
Set free eleven brutish beasts,
Direly devilish depravity,
Disguised as humans,
Eager to show unity,
Gave them a warm welcome,
Putting vermilion on their foreheads,
And garlands around their necks.
She relived the searing memories
Of her innocent infancy
Savagely smashed on the ground,
Spilling blood all around,
And of her pregnant mother,
Pleading for mercy, hands folded,
Gang-raped and badly battered,
And of her kin, cruelly killed.
As the lonely fight her mother fought
Brought her the justice she sought,
The torrent of tears she shed
From her heavenly abode
For a soulless society,
Slivered by hate and bigotry,
Doused the fire of her fury
That flared at justice undone.
Madras Courier originally ran as a broadsheet with a poetry section. It was a time when readers felt comfortable sharing glimpses of their lives through verse. If you have a poem you’d like to submit, do email us at
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