Gandhi Is Dead – So Is The Nation He Envisioned.
byThe India Gandhi envisioned is fading into the oblivion, only to be replaced by the Hindutva majoritarianism.
The India Gandhi envisioned is fading into the oblivion, only to be replaced by the Hindutva majoritarianism.
Why is the Modi Sarkar a veritable bedlam of emotional conflicts for the sane in this country?
How does one understand Hindutva, the ideology rooted in a belief that Hindus form the basis for the Indian nation?
It would be naive to assume that AAP’s recent victory is tantamount to a rejection of Hindutva politics.
“My research suggests that fear has played a particularly vital role in coverage of the coronavirus outbreak.”
Bitcoin was a classic bubble, and investors should arguably have seen it coming.
With data becoming the currency of our times, the quantum internet will provide stronger security for a new valuable commodity.
The potential for technology to transform health care is tremendous, but it can bring privacy & data security challenges.
We’re hard-wired to bond with each other. As natural selection favoured caring for one another, our capacity for love evolved.
What makes human beings unique? It’s the sixteen-billion cortical neurons in the human brain.
Should the Indian government be taking a cue from Harold Wilson rather than Binyamin Netanyahu?
Most of us live more in our heads, or self-image, rather than in the totality of our being. Here’s the Soul Sutra.
Alt-right parties that grabbed power, particularly in India, are systematically decimating academic institutions.
Modi & Shah’s actions, far from restoring a glorious past, are painting India as a violent state; fuelling Hinduphobia.
Modi is an excellent orator. He keeps his audience spellbound. But his speeches are based on lies & half-truths.