With The CAA & NRC, Is India Violating Its International Commitments?

A young boy protesting against the CAA & NRC. Image: 7MB
"We’ve lost, in a sense, India’s ability to be an example, and a model for other countries in the subcontinent."

The impact of the CAA, the NRC, other recent internal decisions on our external situation, our image abroad, and on our foreign policy, is that we are increasingly isolated; there has been no meaningful international support for this series of actions that we have been discussing today.

Apart from a few committed members of the diaspora and a ragtag bunch of Euro MPs from the extreme right and this isolation is really increasing. If you look at what’s happening abroad, the list of critical voices abroad is quiet long – from President Macron to Chancellor Merkel, to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, to visitors like the King of Norway.

The U.N. High Commissioner for refugees and human rights, for instance, has condemned the CAA calling it fundamentally discriminatory in nature, but it’s actually a cumulative effect of a series of actions, same high commissioner for human rights had also expressed extreme concern about the situation in Kashmir and urged that India rapidly restore the rights that are currently being denied.

And, we seem to know that we have been isolated. The EAM (External Affairs Minister) ducked a meeting with the heads of the two foreign affairs committees in the U.S. Congress because an Indian origin representative, the only Indian origin woman actually in the house was going to be present, who has tabled the resolution which is critical of CAA and of several recent actions by the government.

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