It is a daunting proposition, especially in the times that we now live in, to decide what is real. Because, our contemporary society—to use a relevant simile in tune with today’s thought—participates in a surplus of dazzling shows, or spectacles, but events, all the same, viz., a self-driven Instagram ‘pageant every day, a deceptively autonomous film, or sports award function, a skewed TV serial, or the all-pervasive ‘holier-than-thou’ political slugfest,a mandatory engagement.
Such a splurge is indispensable in our culture—something that not too many folks take objection to, except a few. It all depends on which side of the fence you fancy. It is a type of magic charm too, driven without hypnosis. Just think of it. You watch two events—a live and a recap—at the same time. You may call such a foray, which we are all so accomplished at imposing on ourselves, as contemporary fallacy, or participative aura, where fancied ideologies are breaking families, relationships, and the community, as a whole.
This isn’t all. Most folks today have baptism of water, not fire, in every aspect of life. For example—the launch of a new, controversial ‘original’ history book, by a writer, whose primary qualification is celebrity eminence. Or, a singing debut, at the axiomatic drop of a tune. The assortment of views, on such occasions, is universal. Tons of accolades for the individual who has learned, and in some cases, even mastered, the art—of what otherwise would take years, or a lifetime, to achieve— in a year, or less. This is genius, of course. The applauses are more than hyped, because the presenter is paid for it.
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