On September 16, 2020, the editor of the Madras Courier received an email from a person named Christine, a public relations agent acting on behalf of Mrinalini Kumar. The subject line of the email said: “Why Donald Trump matters for Indian Americans – Op-ed by Co-Chair for Indian voices for Trump.”
The email claimed that “Trump’s connection with India and Indian Americans has largely been underestimated by the Democratic Party. The Democrats still do not understand that there is a broad-based support among 2.5 million Indian American voters in battleground states like Florida, Virginia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania for the President’s policies.”
Furthermore, it claimed that “Mrinalini Kumar, Co-Chair of Indian voices for Trump, knows firsthand the results of grassroots polling efforts of Indian American communities,” which “show that as many as 50 per cent of potential Indian American voters, the vast majority of whom have traditionally voted Democratic in presidential elections, will defect from the Democratic Party and vote for President Trump.”
“Christine” attached a photograph in the email in which Mrinalini Kumar is seen standing next to Donald Trump. She also hyperlinked an op-ed, with a byline attributed to Mrinalini Kumar, published in The Sunday Guardian, dated September 13, 2020.

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