Does Hezbollah represent Lebanon? What Impact Will The Death Of Hassan Nasrallah Have?
byWhat is Hezbollah? What exactly is its role in Lebanon? How big a blow is Nasrallah’s death?
What is Hezbollah? What exactly is its role in Lebanon? How big a blow is Nasrallah’s death?
Is history repeating itself in Lebanon? It seems so.
There is nothing wrong with taking care of your hair. However, we must not let the haircare industry redefine our expectations of our own hair.
The ‘One nation One Election,’ albeit a fanciful slogan, is an assault on India’s constitutional values. It is aimed at centralisation and concentration of power by the centre.
The war in Sudan has displaced more than 7 million people. Nearly 2 million have fled to neighbouring countries & 25 million are in dire need of humanitarian assistance.
Is Zelensky facing overwhelming odds? Is it time to talk?
Celebrity obsession, a sickness that has crept into our society, has accelerated with the advent of social media.
Hate speech erodes the democratic values of a nation by attempting to alienate its minorities & challenging their right to a dignified existence.
The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project, under construction, will be one of India’s largest hydropower dams.
Jonas Salk, John Enders, Thomas Weller, and Frederick Robbins created the Polio vaccine and created history.
From disrobing Draupadi in the King’s court five thousand years ago to raping women in hospitals, sexual violence against women is rife in Bharat.
the recent law change removes these ambiguities, empowers the Taliban’s morality police and is enforceable on everyone residing in Afghanistan.
Children, adolescents and women are not safe. Stronger laws alone cannot change the occurrence of rape. State and familial impunity given to predators must end.
AI—“filled with prejudicial, hateful text”— is an effective political propaganda tool. It stereotypes social groups, facilitates societal breakdown, and accelerates economic inequality.
Under Modi’s leadership, experts have also been systematically replaced with appointed loyalists by dismantling or co-opting advisory committees, universities and established research institutions.