byDilip Menon’s poignant poem about the desperation in Afghanistan.
Dilip Menon’s poignant poem about the desperation in Afghanistan.
George Orwell’s writing has left an indelible mark on American thought and culture.
The extent to which rights are curtailed in this form of ‘jailed’ quarantine, and become normalised, is deeply disturbing.
With the Taliban in control, the developmental efforts, which took two decades to establish, stand jeopardised.
Steffi Graf mirrored the alluring magic of tennis like no other. This made her a legend.
“You must judge the Taliban based on their actions, not based on what they say.”
What does one do when the uninitiated & uninvited crash into your thoughts?
While Beijing & Moscow have interests in Kabul’s future, Turkey & Iran are trying to fill the vacuum created by an American failure.
As the Taliban hunts for those who collaborated with the west & prepare to crack down on basic freedoms, many fear the country will revert to being a haven for terrorists.
Khudadad Khan, a machine gunner in an infantry regiment, the 129th Baluchis, was the first Indian to be honoured with the Victoria Cross for his extraordinary bravery.
Robert McNamara’s reflections on the Vietnam War have lessons that are applicable to US foreign policy today.
Mountbatten chose August 15 to transfer power to India as it commemorates Japan’s surrender to the Allied forces.
The gains made by Afghan women over the past 20 years, particularly in education, employment & political participation, are under grave threat.
A romantic, sensuous & beautiful poem perfect a monsoon evening. Enjoy reading.
Meat is an integral part of Kashmiri culture; it’s part of our history. I, as a Kashmiri, will relish our delicacies with out apology.