How A Grammar Book Gave Rise to Dravidian Identity
byThe discovery that South Indian languages were not rooted in Sanskrit paved the way for the Dravidian movement.
The discovery that South Indian languages were not rooted in Sanskrit paved the way for the Dravidian movement.
Emperor Akbar had many Hindu texts translated into Persian. His Mahabharata is among the most beautifully illustrated.
India is one of the few countries where the Jewish people have never been persecuted.
Thousands of animals safeguard India in the line of duty. Isn’t it time we took better care of them when they retire?
Piracy is as old as Indian cinema. Today, India had the highest percentages of pirates to broadband users in the world.
A bizarre rebellion, fought collectively by the fakirs and sanyasis, inspired India’s national song – Vande Mataram.
The word ‘Thug’ has its origins in a death-worshiping cult that terrorized the highways of India.
The Parsis of Hyderabad and India celebrated the Zoroastrian new year on August 17.
From the Romani language to their adopted flag, the links with India are many, and ancient.
“I would have had only one colour if there had been no quarrel between Hindus and Mussulmans.” – Gandhi
“It has been decided that the State Emblem and Seal should consist of the Sarnath Lion Capital of Asoka”
If you thought your samosa came from India, think again! Cookbooks from across Asia bear testimony to this multinational snack.
The Maharajah of Indian cricket was called ‘the prince of a small state, but the king of a great game.’
Indar Sabha: an illustrated Urdu play of love in Indra’s court was made into a successful production by Parsi’s & Jews.
101 years since a devastating terror attack, the torch in the Statue of Liberty remains closed to the public.