The world as it exists today, is built on the deliberations, agreements and errors of a select few made at crucial epochs of history. Where conflicts of interests and ethical principles are involved, the question of war asserts itself from time to time. Ripples of globally detrimental conflicts – including the Second World War, the Cold War, and international disputes occurring in parts of Europe, Asia and Africa – can be felt even today. Essentially, and lamentably so, the theme of war is ever-relevant in cinema and in life.
The 2022 Netflix movie Munich – The Edge of War, directed by Christian Schwochow, addresses, with precision, the events and motivations leading to the historical Munich Agreement. The Munich Agreement was a settlement signed on September 30, 1938, by Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy, permitting the annexation of the Sudetenland, located in western Czechoslovakia, by Nazi Germany.
Through unabated colonialism, Germany sought to acquire more and more living space for its tightly packed population. The film presents the Munich settlement as true to historical fact in its support of a policy of appeasement towards Germany’s territorial ambitions. However, the agreement intended as a diplomatic consensus seeking to prevent war, merely delayed it by a margin.
Schwochow’s film Munich is based on the British novelist Robert Harris’s historical novel Munich, published in 2017 and deemed “a meticulously researched spy thriller,” by Newsweek. Munich, the 2022 film, exposes the juggernaut of totalitarianism at its worst, as against those designated ‘common,’ who blindly submit to rhetoric, rise in uproar, or lead suppressed lives in fear and angst.
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