Where Phones Don’t Work, Take A Breath, Enjoy The Scenery & Write A Letter
You will not get internet in Hikkim; it’s is disconnected from the rest of the world. But you will get a chance to gaze at the serenity of mountains & valleys.
You will not get internet in Hikkim; it’s is disconnected from the rest of the world. But you will get a chance to gaze at the serenity of mountains & valleys.
The Kharai camels, the only swimming camels in the world, are on the verge of extinction; there are less than 1800 of them.
Garcia de Orta: who was persecuted for being Jewish, fled from Spain, made India his home & became the first European writer on tropical medicine
What is happening in Pakistan should serve as a warning about how countries under military dictatorships murder democracy by a thousand cuts.
The Bengal florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis), commonly known as the Bengal bustard, is critically endangered; less than 1,000 individuals are alive.
Here’s what happened when Charlie Chaplin met Gandhi.
With a meagre collection of 160 books, Akshara was started in 2012. Today, Akshara houses over a thousand books, but its story is etched with struggle.
Ferdinand Kittel, a scholar & author, though forgotten in Germany, is celebrated in Southern India for his contribution to the language and culture of Karnataka.
The politics of food divides Indian society and acts as an indicator of social hierarchy. It’s time to be more inclusive of food habits.
Queen Tara Bai, with her administrative genius and strength of character, saved the Marathas from an awful crisis.
Ajivika, a rival tradition of Buddhism & Jainism, no longer exists. The only evidence are the caves in the Barabar hill.
The population of Red-Crowned Roofed Turtle, also known as Batagur Kachuga, has declined dramatically. Can it be saved from going extinct?
Dubois fought against racism while Ambedkar fought against casteism.
The residential segregation in India’s largest cities is greater by caste and tribe than socioeconomic status.
Panini’s metalanguage uses Sanskrit phonemes as auxiliary markers to control grammatical derivations.