Complex Memories Of Cuttlefish
Cuttlefish may be one of the few creatures with enough cognitive power to use their memories to plan ahead of time.
Cuttlefish may be one of the few creatures with enough cognitive power to use their memories to plan ahead of time.
Why would corporations purchase electoral bonds worth thousands of crores to fund political parties?
Golden langurs have been classified as one of the world’s top 25 most endangered primate species.
Given the volatility, environmental impact and criminality, will cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin gain traction again?
Recent research show diabetes and its related problems (blood pressure, cholesterol, fatty liver, and sleep apnea) can be reversed.
The Sikhs had to fight hard and often go against the system to keep their turbans. Here’s a less known, fascinating story.
Cornershop’s ascent to fame was historic, as South Asians battled to establish their place in the world, particularly on the international music stage.
For generations, Irula people have supplied anti-venom to the Pharma industry. But their contributions remain an invisible component of the global healthcare system.
Tea, the world’s most popular drink, has prompted international trade, drug smuggling, wars and abuse of indentured workers.
‘Pakistan is a sham democracy. The country is tightly controlled by the military generals.
Cartier & Ranjitsingh developed a friendship that resulted in a magnificent piece that inspired the Jeanne Toussaint necklace of the Ocean’s 8.
Many Europeans took part in documenting India’s natural history. Fine arts & scientific documentation had become synonymous, bringing about a distinct change in Indian artistry.
Inspired by Gandhi’s teachings, Salem led a struggle for equal rights using non-violent methods to fight discriminatory practices in his Synagogue.
Edward peters, called ‘Black Peter,’ found gold in New Zealand. But due to racism, his efforts and achievements in the discovery of gold were downplayed.
The story goes, Jagan Nath Azad, a Hindu poet, wrote down Pakistan’s Tarana, or anthem. Here’s the story behind this claim.