How J.R.R. Tolkien Made Fantasy A Reality
On J.R.R. Tolkien’s 126th anniversary, the British author remains the cornerstone of immersive fantasy fiction.
On J.R.R. Tolkien’s 126th anniversary, the British author remains the cornerstone of immersive fantasy fiction.
Thanks to the multiplicity of calendars, India lives in the past, present and the future, depending on what we choose.
This treatise on life by a 12th century Chalukya king will teach you how to eat, sing, dance, rule and live well.
Despite signing international treaties, India has yet to outlaw female genital mutilation.
For centuries, bears were tortured into submission and made to dance. Now, this cruel practice is nearing its end.
India’s politicians spew hate and fan communal tensions for electoral gains, with utter disregard for the law.
Ancient caves in Kerala present the first known samples of drawing in India. They may also link to an ancient civilisation.
In Kerala, Christianity is said to have arrived while Jesus Christ’s apostles were still alive.
A Hindu from a cowherd community became one of Akbar’s greatest painters. His paintings include Christian iconographies.
Can a blockchain network turn carbon trading into a legitimate and transparent operation?
Over 1400 years ago, a Chinese traveler crossed the Himalayas to discover Indian Buddhism. His journey changed Asia forever.
You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your privacy to surf the web. Here are some tips to protect your personal data.
As the Next Billion come online for the first time, will knowledge be the new leveller of digital inequality?
A parasitic fungus from the Himalayas fuels a multi-billion dollar industry.
How many farmers have to die before the Indian state will see their plight?