Trump’s Tariffs & Global Economic Disorder
If Donald Trump pursues insidious financial warfare, it will disrupt the global economic order and challenge the US hegemony.
If Donald Trump pursues insidious financial warfare, it will disrupt the global economic order and challenge the US hegemony.
The United States Of America has regressed into a deeply divided society, so corporate graft is left unnoticed and unchallenged.
Darwin’s legacy will continue to shape our understanding of life, evolution, and the mysteries of the natural world for generations to come.
De-dollarisation will be driven by technology & necessity.
Dehumanisation not only morally excludes the dehumanised but also the dehumaniser, eventually, into a trap of cognitive dissonance and moral quandary.
Stereotyping in Hollywood movies has been rampant & perpetuated with impunity since the silent movie era that commenced in the mid-1890s until the late 1920s.
The toxic mix of religion and politics to create a common enemy is a matter of great concern; it could destabilise global political order.
As a champion of Non Aligned Movement, India must play a proactive role in bringing Iran & Israel to the negotiating table.
Going by an insatiable appetite for human greed and selfishness, the world wouldn’t be amused if an AI Frankenstein monster were on the cards.
Celebrity obsession, a sickness that has crept into our society, has accelerated with the advent of social media.
India, home to one of the most prominent capital markets in the world, will find its credibility diminished when accountable institutions remain silent or complacent.
Quantum advancements in telecommunications, coupled with the explosion of the Internet, the World Wide Web and personal computers, entrenched dangerous financialisation of the global economy.
A circular economy will radically redefine our relationship with nature & enable a sustainable future.
Global tech giants, akin to feudal lords, are controlling & exploiting the world’s resources. Policymakers must pay heed to the growing dangers of techno-feudalism?
Nations are in transition, and so is the fate of democracies worldwide. Liberal democracies could be saved only through concerted efforts to promote democracy.