Are South Asian Immigrants Re-Colonising The West?
The legitimacy of the narrative of ‘recolonisation’ by the South Asians can be contested by charting their metamorphosis.
Dibyangee is pursuing her Master’s degree in English from Jadhavpur University, Kolkata.
The legitimacy of the narrative of ‘recolonisation’ by the South Asians can be contested by charting their metamorphosis.
Language in India is a rocky terrain whose slope has been steepened by the trills of a borrowed tongue.
Propaganda covers our experience like a blanket & has become indistinguishable from reality itself.
With a hypermasculine police force, those with a non-binary identity become susceptible to extortion & false charges.
This story is dedicated to all the elephants who were tortured, held captive & killed by humans.
In its demand for linguistic, cultural & religious pluralism, Bengal expresses the anxiety of all those peripheralised.