India is at a rare, historical crossroads when it comes to climate change – and the future of the planet. India and China are the only two major polluters showing signs of making positive progress on climate change. The United States has changed tracks with Donald Trump’s presidency, showing signs of cutting all funding for climate-change-related initiatives, as well as opposing regulations on the fossil fuel industry.
According to a report published by Climate Central, India and China have been the only global leaders in tackling climate change. India has made record strides in adopting the solar technology, even as China finds opportunities in green technologies. On paper, these were the only two nations making positive headlines on the environment. Trends elsewhere have also been uninspiring. As the report states:
The U.S. isn’t alone in its regression. European lawmakers are balking at far-reaching measures to tackle climate change. Australian climate policy is in tatters. International efforts to slow deforestation in tropical countries are failing.
However, the problem emerges once you keep an eye on the goal – i.e. meeting the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global warming to under two degrees Celsius by the end of the century. India, despite good progress on the pledge to use renewables for 40 percent of its energy supply by 2030, is set to increase coal production by 123 percent in that same period. According to a research article published in “Earth’s Future”, the added emissions coupled with the emission targets of other nations mean that the two-degree goal is set for failure. The implications include large-scale migration, triggered by catastrophic natural disasters.
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