On 5 October 2007, a 1948 “service” set of stamps bearing the portrait of Gandhi was auctioned for 38,000 Euros (approximately Rs. 31 lakhs) in a private auction of David Feldman. Again, in 2011, Feldman auctioned away a 10 rupees stamp with Gandhi’s face for a whopping 144,000 Euros (approximately Rs 1.2 crores), setting a world record for selling a stamp.
In April 2017, a collection of four rare stamps depicting Gandhi was auctioned for £500,000 ( approximately Rs. 5 crores or 50 Million rupees), making it the highest price ever paid for Indian stamps. The stamps were sold to a private collector in Australia by a dealer named Stanley Gibbons.
These rarest of rare stamps are extremely precious to collectors but also significant to India’s history.
When India became an independent nation in 1947, new national postage stamps representing an independent nation were issued. The first stamp bore the tricolour with “Jai Hind” written on the top right corner. It came out on 21 November 1947.
The auctioned stamps were also part of the earliest stamps that followed the flag-bearing stamp. However, in addition to the time they were issued, the conditions surrounding their creation make them expensive in today’s market. As a result, they attract a far greater price than their initial modest denominations.
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