For 162 years now, India’s postmen have connected towns, villages, families and friends across the subcontinent. The times have changed, and the postmen have changed with it. From travelling on horseback to riding bicycles, to driving motorcycles and vans – the Indian postman has always adapted to the technology of the times.
Today, in the email era, the age of post has declined. The volume of mail sent has more than halved since 2000, according to data from the Ministry of Statistics.

But India Post, with the world’s largest network of post offices, is losing no steps in making the digital shift. Over the years, the number of package deliveries, financial transactions and digital services rendered by it have gone up dramatically.
Postmen will soon be equipped with smartphones, and will sell apps alongside delivering the mail.
“This is the first soft product our people will have to market. It is an android app, and postmen will do the marketing,” says P.V.S. Reddy, Postmaster General of Hyderabad Region. The proposal for India Post to market the app came three months ago – and was approved by the Chief Post Master General (CPMG) of Telangana, for rollout in two circles.
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