Baba Ramdev‘s vitriolic attacks on allopathic system of medicine and allopathic doctors, which created a storm in the public sphere, is being interpreted by some critics as an act motivated by economic interests. They argue that Ramdev, the quack who owns Patanjali, the self-styled Yoga guru, attacks the modern medicine because he wants to sell the Coronil Kit and other products made by Patanjali, a company he owns.
But Ramdev’s attack on modern medicine is motivated by more than just economic interest; it is also motivated by his political-ideological interest. Ramdev’s attack is also about defending and shielding Modi and the BJP Government from the criticism it has been facing for its gross mismanagement of the pandemic – even as it continues to unfold.
In a video that surfaced online on May 11, 2021, Ramdev was seen mocking people who were pleading for oxygen. He tried to make fun of the hospital bed, medicine shortages and the crematorium crisis that had engulfed the nation. Following the RSS and BJP’s campaign line of spreading positivity, Ramdev accused those running from pillar to post to arrange for oxygen cylinders, ICU beds and medicines for their family members, of “creating a negative environment.” By doing so, Ramdev basically shifted the blame on to people, thereby absolving the Modi Government.
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