Biden’s Foreign Policy Agenda

Biden is likely to restore decency, good sense & mature diplomacy. We must celebrate democracy’s ability to correct itself.

I have always thought that the rest of the world should have a say in choosing the President of the United States, the most powerful office in the world. However, it is difficult, if not impossible, to work out a scheme where the rest of the world has a say. Whatever that be, it is with a huge sigh of relief that the rest of the world is witnessing the election of Biden.

Of course, there may be a few capitals, say, Jerusalem, where Trump will be missed. He had a soft corner for ‘strong men,’ unburdened by principles; and they, including Benjamin Netanyahu, Mohammed bin Salman(MBS), Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Tayyip Erdogan, to name only a few, will be upset.

Should Prime Minister Modi who had unwisely intervened in the US election by arranging for a huge extravaganza –the Howdy, Modi!– in Houston (September 2019) and one more –Namaste Trump– in Ahmedabad (February 2020) be worried? Certainly not.

Joe Biden does not believe in ‘over-personalizing’ diplomacy like Trump and Modi do. Biden would go with Lord Palmerston who said:

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