‘Our Rule Of Law Is Under Attack From Our Own Government’
byAuthoritarian populists would do well to remember that even if something is declared legal, it is not necessarily democratic, moral or just.
Authoritarian populists would do well to remember that even if something is declared legal, it is not necessarily democratic, moral or just.
There is a need for ‘immediate de-escalation, exercise of restraint, stepping back from violence, and return to the path of diplomacy.’
Until the latter part of the Middle Ages, the nomenclature of Brahmin castes exhibited a common inheritance to lower caste names.
If Modi wins another term, what would it mean for the residents in the Muslim-majority northern region of Kashmir?
The Hosay celebrations recall not just the sacrifice of Hussein but those who were slain in 1884.
Neuroprosthesis allowed a person with severe paralysis to speak in sentences by directly translating impulses from his brain to his vocal tract into words that display as text on a screen.
Israel’s response to the Hamas attack has resulted in severe restrictions on freedom of movement for Palestinian christians.
The Moscow attack shows that both ISIS-K and al-Qaeda have gained strength in Afghanistan under the Taliban.
Let us hope that instead of becoming a diminished democracy, India will become a resilient, self-correcting democracy.
Unemployment in India is at a record high. The economy is struggling with only a few at the top benefitting. Is Modi likely to win another term? If so, why?
The CAA with its exclusionary objectives and discriminatory provisions targets Muslims.
Why would corporations purchase electoral bonds worth thousands of crores to fund political parties?
Given the volatility, environmental impact and criminality, will cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin gain traction again?
Trump is unlike any other politician in modern American history. His political resilience makes clear the U.S. is in the midst of a historical change.
Trump’s admirers scribbled messages on the bus such as, “You are anointed and appointed by God to be the President.”