Is Our Voting System Flawed?
byDoes the current voting system give us a choice to effectively elect our leaders? What are our options?
Does the current voting system give us a choice to effectively elect our leaders? What are our options?
Hindu extremists are recycling Hitler’s genocidal ideology, hijacking a peaceful religion to target minorities.
From the Korean War that split up the peninsula to the present day, India has tried to broker peace with North Korea.
Why is a Medieval legend being used to justify murder?
Nine out of ten judges in higher judiciaries are male. What explains the gender gap in India’s highest courts?
Murmurs of a coup in Zimbabwe have been long in the making – as have rumours of Chinese involvement.
Amidst the chaos of Bangladesh’s refugee camps, child traffickers are kidnapping children for bonded labour.
Corruption in India has outlived governments and every effort taken to tackle it.
Astrologers predicted that the world would end in 1962, and India came to a standstill. How can we combat superstitions?
Why do politicians hold up celibacy as a virtue in a country of 1.3 billion?
India has 196.4 million undernourished people, the highest in the world. It’s a hidden humanitarian crisis.
India is home to half the world’s modern slaves; 18 million people trafficked as slaves – sell skin, sex and children.
India needs to create hundreds of millions of jobs by 2050, besides replacing the many that will go out of fashion.
Gandhi wielded homespun cloth as a means of enchanting the masses. Khadi’s popularity makes it good business even today.
In academia, as in media, no publicity is bad publicity. Can authors rise up the ladder by writing clickbait?