Why The Modi Government Is Pushing The Idea Of Atmanirbhar Bharat
by“Atmanirbhar Bharat” is merely a mantra, a catch phrase, that pushes forward a neo-liberal agenda.
“Atmanirbhar Bharat” is merely a mantra, a catch phrase, that pushes forward a neo-liberal agenda.
Kashmir bleeds, the rest of India tweets. The media turnstiles keep on spinning. The cycle repeats.
The current impasse over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Nile is the biggest crisis looming over Northeast Africa.
A state that suppresses dissent by the disproportionate use of force on its citizens cannot claim to be a democracy.
The archaic practice of marrying within the family, a curse on society, needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history.
The Coronavirus pandemic has created substantial ruptures in the fabric of our society & triggered a crisis of meaning.
Aurat, the Urdu word for a woman, originates from the Arabic “awrat,” meaning “genitalia,” “defectiveness,” & “nudity.”
Modi’s penchant for photo-ops with world leaders has turned the news turnstiles but did not deliver tangible outcomes.
Through the Blues, black artists have created rhythm & harmony as a source of healing in an environment brimming with racism.
With a hypermasculine police force, those with a non-binary identity become susceptible to extortion & false charges.
India needs to address the asymmetry in military capabilities. Diplomatically, it must punch far above its weight.
As India prepares to take its role in the UNSC, it must endeavour to focus on new opportunities for progress.
Each of us is as unique – or distinctive – as our signature or fingerprint.
Twitter & Facebook must realise that facts are sacred. However, opinion – no matter how problematic – is free.
To work out a solution that safeguards India’s interests, we must take a holistic view of China’s intentions & capabilities.