G7 & Nato Summits Lay Bare Deep Divide Between Russia, China & The West
byThe post-cold war illusion of US-led unipolarity may be long gone, but it will not be replaced by a multi-polar world either.
The post-cold war illusion of US-led unipolarity may be long gone, but it will not be replaced by a multi-polar world either.
Prime Minister Modi & his government over deliver in one aspect: spam.
As we are seeing in the US, anti-abortion movements continue to push back against any gains that are made. Regression on reproductive rights often correlates with wider backlashes on gender rights & the rise of far right and populist political regimes.
To remove everyday racism, so deep rooted in society, is a slow process–one that would take years of awareness & effort. But if each of us takes baby steps, we might arrive there sooner.
The healthcare system in India is filled with fraudulent hospitals & health workers. It is, as they say, the ‘wild Wild West.’
Cannabis is now legal in many countries. But how does Cannabis, also known as Ganja/Marijuana, affect the mind?
Regardless of the technical details, LaMDA raises a question that will only become more relevant as AI research advances: if a machine becomes sentient, how will we know?
Heart disease progresses silently—sometimes with no apparent early symptom, or sign. It, therefore, makes sense to be forewarned and forearmed.
Contemporary fallacies, or participative aura, are breaking just about everything, including earthy logic.
Sexism & patriarchy must be shunned from public discourse; Instances of rape and assault on women are a direct consequence of patriarchy.
Those who pour time, thought & money into creating the perfect gift for the Queen feel they have a personal connection with her, her family & her function as the head of state.
Why we hope that things would happen, or emerge, the way we visualise them.
Is it okay to steal from a corporation if that corporation is already stealing from us?
What We Know About Mass School Shootings In The US – And The Gunmen Who Carry Them Out
Treatment for monkeypox, a cousin of Smallpox, is primarily focused on relieving symptoms. According to the CDC, no treatments are available to cure monkeypox infection.