Lothar Matthäus: Football’s First Field Marshall
byLothar Matthäus, the German football legend, always believed that simplicity was his secret to life.
Lothar Matthäus, the German football legend, always believed that simplicity was his secret to life.
Ben Noah Suri narrates a beautiful story about how neighbours steal mangoes through verse. Do read it.
Photography has evolved into an omnipresent medium that documents & narrates the story of humanity.
Ajay Bisht’s ignorant rants do not dent India’s secularism. It was, is & shall remain a secular nation.
In 2008, three linguists took an expedition to Arunachal Pradesh where they discovered Koro, a hidden language.
Einstein’s theory of relativity is the bedrock for our understanding of the origin & evolution of the universe.
Can you identify a man, dead 25 years ago, through the smell from his jacket?
Search engine algorithms skew information requests & spread misinformation. Here’s how they do it.
To gain electoral legitimacy, RSS ideologues are building narratives of their participation in the freedom movement.
The pre-war Japanese understanding that the Korean Peninsula is key to Japan’s security is true, and will remain so.
This fascinating peek isn’t science fiction; it’s, quite simply, scientific eventuality.
Myanmar’s coup also threatens to permanently damage the nation’s environment & harm the people who rely on it.
If a wall were to narrate its own autobiography in verse, what would it say?
Born in 1836, Majendie served as an artillery officer in the Crimean War & the Indian Rebellion.
Avanti Kaul, who migrated from the Kashmir Valley at the age of seven, narrates her story. It is poetic & melancholic.