Left Of Ambedkar

B.R., Ambedkar
Representational image: Public domain.
Here’s a searing poem about the impact of Dr Ambedkar’s work.

I don’t believe
in dreams, you see.
I can be more precise.
I don’t believe what I see
in my dreams has meanings.
Hidden, plain
or something in-between.
I don’t believe what I don’t see
in my dreams has meanings
either, you see.
Dark, comic
or something in-between.

I can give you
a good example, you see.
In my dream the other night
I was looking for my eye drops.
I reached out with my left hand
I reached out with my right hand
I groped around with my left foot
I groped around with my right foot
I lay spreadeagled on bed.

I had to drag myself
out of bed in my dream
to look for the eye drops
everywhere in the room.
I couldn’t find it at first
but then I did.
It was to the left
of Ambedkar
on the bookshelf.

Now, you see
I can make anything
I like of the dream.
Random, non-random
or something in-between.
Now, you see why
I don’t believe what I see / don’t see
in my dreams has meanings.


Madras Courier originally ran as a broadsheet with a poetry section. It was a time when readers felt comfortable sharing glimpses of their lives through verse. If you have a poem you’d like to submit, do email us at [email protected].


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