Go Back To Where You Came From

Representational image: Public domain.
’Go back to where you came from’ - this ugly, racist, ethos is gaining popularity across the world.

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
you are an outsider
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
you came here to be our slave
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
you came here to clean our toilets
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
you came here to do the things we don’t want to do
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
you came here to serve us
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
whatever ‘shithole’ your country is
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
Asia, Africa or Arabia, Middle East, Eastern Europe or Latin America
You are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
your cultures and sub-cultures mean a damn to us
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
we can’t be bothered with pronouncing your names
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
you are children of slaves
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
you hopped on a boat and popped over
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
your life means a damn to us
you are not one of us.

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
we are better off without you
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
if you don’t, we’ll pack you in boats and sink them
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
if you don’t, we’ll put you in concentration camps
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
if you don’t, we’ll chain you like animals
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
if you don’t, we’ll treat you like sub-humans
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you immigrant
If you don’t, we’ll shoot you with our guns
you are not one of us

Go back to where you came from, you bloody immigrants
If you don’t, we’ll send you back on military planes
you are not one of us


Madras Courier originally ran as a broadsheet with a poetry section. It was a time when readers felt comfortable sharing glimpses of their lives through verse. If you have a poem you’d like to submit, do email us at editor@madrascourier.com.


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